Year 11 & 12 Coordinator’s Message

Welcome back to all our students and parents for another exciting school year. My name is Inass Fayad and I am new to the role of Year 11 and 12 Coordinator. I see myself experiencing this year in a very similar manner to the new Year 11 students beginning their VCE journey, or the Year 12 student excited and anxious to get through their final year of high school. I am not new to the college though, with experience teaching VCE Psychology and Humanities. So I extend my warmest welcome to the 2017 VCE students and parents, as well as remind you that my door is always open to you if you require any assistance.

VCE is a very challenging time for both students and parents. Key priorities for students will include attendance, time management and effective study skills. Students are aware of a minimum attendance requirement of 80%, but in order to achieve their fullest potential, students should aim for an attendance rate of well above 90% for all their classes.

As a parent, checking in on your daughter’s progress both academically as well as her general wellbeing is important. Ensure she is using her study time effectively (that usually means keeping off social media during study times, and having a study schedule) and she is well rested (adolescents need around 9 hours a night). These suggestions may seem insignificant and obvious but they are the essential ingredients to a successful year, both academically and otherwise.

Warmest Regards,

Miss Inass Fayad
Year 11 & 12 Coordinator